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Inaugural Primary Election is a Success

Derek Ryan

Tuesday’s runoff election marked the end of a very successful inaugural primary election season for Ryan Data & Research. The company assisted numerous campaigns with their voter data and research needs. During the Republican primary season...

•Candidates who used Ryan Data & Research for vulnerability studies and opposition research reports went 6-0.

•Candidates who used Ryan Data & Research for voter lists and data processing went 9-3.

•Ryan Data & Research was able to provide two candidates with research that prevented opponents from running against them.

•Ryan Data & Research provided the Republican Party of Texas with Voter Vault technical support which assisted numerous candidates across the state.

Now that the primary election is behind us, Ryan Data & Research is committed to electing Republicans to office in November. The 2012 election will be crucial in determining the future of the Republican Party in the US and Texas. We are dedicated to ensuring that Republican candidates are sent to Washington, DC and to Austin to promote conservative values.


Ryan Data & Research
P.O. Box 202675
Austin, TX 78720-2675
ph: (512) 496-5470
fax: (512) 672-6210


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