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General Election Successes

Derek Ryan

Last week’s election was an exciting and extremely successful event for Ryan Data & Research. The firm was able to see numerous candidates elected to office, but it also marked the completion of Ryan Data & Research’s second election cycle.

We were extremely fortunate to work with so many fantastic, hard-working candidates running for all levels of office: congressional, statewide, legislative, and at the local level. With last week’s results, Ryan Data & Research’s is pleased to announce that 26 of its candidates will be sworn into office this January.

We share in the excitement for the candidates who were successful in their endeavor. Their election is simply the beginning of an effort to make Texas a better place for everyone.

For those who came up just shy of a victory, we are thankful they had the courage to run for office. While their campaigns did not end the way they had hoped, they are still successful. There are people who complain about government and do nothing, and then there are people who offer solution solutions and spend their time and resources fighting for a cause, knowing that the battle may be difficult.

Now that the general election is behind us, Ryan Data & Research is committed to assisting our newly elected officials as they take office across the state. Next year will offer many challenges to our elected officials, but together we can work to make Texas even better.


Ryan Data & Research
P.O. Box 202675
Austin, TX 78720-2675
ph: (512) 496-5470
fax: (512) 672-6210


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