Ryan Data & Research has compiled data on individuals who voted in the November 2014 General Election. Based on this information, we created a report on who these voters were.
The entire presentation is available here.
Highlights from the report include:
•Nearly one-third of voters (32.8%) were voters who had previous Republican Primary history who had never voted in a Democrat Primary. Voters who had previous Democrat Primary history who had never voted in a Republican Primary only accounted for 26.8% of voters.
•4-time Republican Primary voters beat 4-time Democrat Primary voters in turnout by a total of 377,107 to 151,523.
•The average voter's age was 55.4 years old. The average age of new voters was 40.7.
•Republican Primary voters beat Democrat Primary voters 43% to 33% in the share of ballots by mail (for counties who provided information on who voted by mail).
•Of all the voters with past Republican Primary election history, 60% voted in November. Only half of voters with past Democrat Primary election history cast a ballot in November.